
a tour of my bookshelves

I forget who it was, but someone asked me to snap a few pictures of my bookshelves a while ago. At the time, I declined because my "bookshelves" consisted of large piles of books scattered around my *very* messy room. But I've just installed two pretty bookshelves so I thought I'd show off my book collection. And since my camera isn't working at the moment, I decided to do a video (taken from my ipod so sorry if the quality/dimensions are weird). I guess this is a vlog? I dunno. This is the first time I've taken a video. First time I've uploaded a video. First time I've had an EXCUSE to be talking to myself. lol.

If you'd like to hear me mumble and ramble about books I own, watch the vid :) Advance apologies for grammar weirdness that spews out of my mouth--I'm not as articulate verbally, haha. And YES I am disorganized, that's why some of my books are missing.

Ooh and I feel so legit. I spent a few hours organizing everything by author alphabetically this morning and now it's like a library! Haha. It really seems like I have A LOT of books but I don't buy that many anymore. Some of them I pilfered from my sises as well. Okay, who am I kidding? I'm a book glutton. :p

*vid snipped*

My fave part is the discombobulated hand that appears at ominous intervals. And the "as many as many...umm..many" at the end. loloololol. Hope you enjoyed!


Anonymous said...

Awesome tour! I totally envy your bookshelf! <3

Lily Meade said...

Great collection! We have similar tastes in books.

Amelia said...

I think I saw FAERIE WARS!!! <3
Can I ask - do you remember where you got your bookshelves? I'm having the worst luck with trying to find bookshelves!

AnAddictedBookReader said...

Awesome shelves! Nice Howl's Moving Castle book too haha. I just reorganized my books today because I had stacks of books just laying around, and now I have absolutely no room for anymore books ; )

prophecygirl said...

Great post!

I agree The Book Thief is amazing, and I've never read a Diane Wynne Jones book. Will have to sort that!

Bethany said...

I like that you keep most of your books in great condition! x

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Thanks for the bookshelf tour! I thought that several of your favorites were interesting--Especially amazing classics like The Great Gatsby and new ones like The God of Small Things and The Hunger Games. Markus Zusak is in my pool of favorites as well! Thanks for the tour!

in which a girl reads said...

@ M.J.: Thanks!

@Lily: Yay for similar book tastes!

@Amelia: Yep that was Faerie Wars :) And I'm 99% sure my Mom got my bookshelves at Ikea. Scary-awesome place, Ikea.

@Addicted: hahaha <3 howl's. I just barely squeezed everything in, but I'm hoping to stay away from book piles now.

@prophecy: I LOVE The Book Thief. And definitely read something of Diana Wynne Jones. I'd start with Howl's Moving Castle :)

@Bethany: Thanks! I try to but really I'm terrible since I don't use bookmarks. *wince*

@Mrs. DeRaps: I'm glad you liked it! And lol I know what you mean: children's fantasy hugging shoulders with classics. But for me, my reading tastes for favorites are either:

1. super enjoyable fantasies (mostly for children).
2.Beautiful literature.

I either want to read something for fun or for beauty :)

Brittany said...

Great tours. Thanks for letting us take a peek!

bookaholic said...

You really have great books up your sleeve...rather your shelves..lol!!I have recently bought the Book Thief...planning to read it soon!

Bookalicious Ramblings said...

Ooh, I loved this video! I've been thinking of doing something like this too, but I really have to organize my collection first and that would take forever, but I really want to post about it too! Anyway, thanks for giving us a tour of your awesome book collection, I loved watching it! :D

Dwayne said...

I'm drooling over your bookshelf - and your books! :)
Great Gatsby - would have been nice if I read it myself, and not as an exam text for my AS literature. SIGH.
Wonderful wonderful collection! :)

Liam said...

The sad part is that my books are scattered around the house as well, and the favorites/non-liked are on shelves, the non-liked ones because I don't read them a lot, so they stay and collect dust.

I don't really have shelves, though...

Unknown said...

I don't have nearly as many books as you (kudos) but I live in a small 1 bedroom and my book shelf recently got full so I'm trying to do what I do with my shirts. No I mean, not like I'm going to wear my books, but I am going to say goodbye to one every time I get a book I really want to hold on to that I love so that the only books I have are the ones that i obsess over. I know that must be tough for somebody who reads so much, I just don't have the room! I had to! Don't judge me, I still love all my books equally. Well, except for that one over there, that book f'n sucks.

Karla Calalang said...

Wow, such a fantastic bookshelf! I love it! :)

Remilda Graystone said...

Nice bookshelves! I've just gotten mine recently too, and I've yet to really organize it. You seem to have a great collection of books. *turns green with book envy*

Bidisha said...

Oh man, I love book tours!

Anonymous said...

Admirable shelves. You've made me want to alphabetize :-)

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