Haven't done one of these for a while!
But, pretty exciting times this week, as I got my first ARC (courtesy of 1 ARC Tours). Also, I've gotten a lot richer after Christmas and went on a never-ending book buying spree that I'm pretty sure killed a whole forest. But felled trees aside, I've at least managed to stay true to one of my New Year Resolutions (read more contemporary).
Seven books in total this week.
My firstest, very shiny beautiful ARC:

1. Forget-Her-Nots by Amy Brecount White: So happy I managed to get my hands on an ARC--this is the type of book I would be waiting for impatiently for months to come out otherwise. I really like the cover and the blurb makes it seem like such a fun, lovely read.
2. I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak: OMG I LOVE MARKUS ZUSAK (he is amazing and if you haven't read The Book Thief you've been living a sad, unfulfilled life GO READ IT NOW). I LOVE I am the Messenger as well and read it a few times already, but I wanted a copy for myself so I could reread it whenever I wanted to. Lovely, lovely book. :)
3. Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr: National Book Award Finalist. I'm hoping to strike contemporary gold here, as I've heard this book is GREAT.
4. The Year of Secret Assignments by Jackyln Moriarty: Same here, with me trying to read some good contemporary. I've heard this one is wonderful as well!
5. Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta: So I'm ashamed to admit I STILL haven't read Jellicoe Road (which everyone tells me is the MOST AMAZING book that ever existed). And thanks to all the Marchetta-love I've gone on a buying spree of her books. This just happened to be the first one that I received.
6. The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong: So I had a copy somewhere and I never got around to reading it and I think I gave the copy away to a friend (and never got it back). But I've been wanting to read this for a while and it was pretty cheap at the bookstore.
7. If I Stay by Gayle Foreman: Aside from having the most GORGEOUS cover I've seen in a while, it's also, yay contemporary! And I've been seeing it on a lot of "Best of 2009" blogger lists. So it must be good, huh?
You've got some of my awesome books this week. The Year of Secret Assignments & The Story of a Girl are amazing. If I Stay and Saving Francesca are okay and I still haven't read I Am The Messenger, can't wait to read your review.
Story Of A Girl and If I Stay are absolutely great. If I Stay comes in my list of all time fav YA books. Hope u enjoy reading these
Great books! The Summoning was awesome and I'm really itching to read If I Stay and Forget Her Nots
Here's what I got this week: http://bookielaura.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-my-mailbox-1-3-10.html
Have a great start of the year!
If memory serves me right, I'm on the list to receive Forget-Her-Nots as well! Looking forward to it.
And I TOTALLY agree about Markus Zusak. The man is a genius. Love, LOVE The Book Thief!
Those look like some great books! The only one I've read is I Am the Messenger, which I did really, really like. And The Book Thief is my favorite book ever.
Enjoy your books!
Wow, great books, I want to read quite a few of these! Hope you enjoy them! :)
I would happily read any of these. I also haven't read Jellicoe Road, but since it's meant to be *so* good I'll definitely go look it up.
Forget-Her-Nots does sound intriguing - I'll look out for your review.
Grab you some tissues - If I Stay is going to make you cry, but its amazing!
Yay for your ARC! I read Saving Francesca awhile ago and I loved it!! Enjoy!
OHH The Story Of A girl wow that one looks awesome! :) and If I Stay is amazing I hope you enjoy all your reads!
I am going to have to read I Am The Messenger. I've read The Book Thief and that was incredible.
Happy reading!
Great group of books there! I have got to read The Summoning. I like Armstrong's adult stuff but haven't tried her YA. Happy reading!
I got the Year of Secret Assigments from the library a while ago, it sounds really good, I haven't have time to read it yet though.
Happy reading! :)
if you haven't read The Book Thief you've been living a sad, unfulfilled life
WORD~~~~~ Book Thief is the best thing evar. *-*
Ohh congrats on your first ARC!! =D
I barely remember The Year of Secret Assignments, but I remember thinking it was funny and I enjoyed it. =D
lol The Summoning... Hahaha reminds me... I reallyyyy have to get my butt moving on that post on that series...... x.x
Anyhow, awesome books this week! Have fun reading~
The Year of Secret Assignments is amaaaazing. I hope you love it too!
Yay for your first, shiny ARC! *dances*
Saving Francesca+The Summoning+Story of A Girl= excellent reading! x)
Enjoy all the lovely books!<3
Forget Her Nots! Lucky you (and yay first ARC!)
Awesome books this week! Enjoy :)
I love Saving Francesca! It's such a great book, and so is The Summoning! I read Story of a Girl, but I didn't like it as much as others, but I hope you do!
Happy reading :)
Ooh, I remember reading The Year of Secret Assignments and I liked it!...though I remember what it was about. Is that a bad thing? lol.
And congrats on your first ARC!
I have gotta read If I Stay! :O
Story Of A Girl is amazing. I also really loved If I Stay & The Summoning. I hope you enjoy reading them all! :D
Lucky you! Bust week ahead of you
Congrats on your first ARC! It is so pretty. ;) Can't wait to see what you think of it. Happy reading!
Congrats on the ARC! Forget-Her-Nots looks awesome, and I can't wait to get my hands on it too; I love the title. And Story of a Girl looks good, though I've never read it. Maybe you'll review it? Happy reading! :)
Great bunch of books! Have fun. And don't feel bad, I haven't read Jellicoe road either.
Ooh, some good books there. The Year of Secret Assignments was one of the first books I loved :)
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