I'm following up on the discussion about the cover of MAGIC UNDER GLASS I posted yesterday, with some good news. Taken from the Bloomsbury website:
Bloomsbury is ceasing to supply copies of the US edition of Magic Under Glass. The jacket design has caused offense and we apologize for our mistake. Copies of the book with a new jacket design will be available shortly.
Frankly, I'm amazed. From what I could tell, the uproar started on Saturday. It's Thursday now, and they've already decided to change the cover. Wow. The wonderful posts by other bloggers really made a difference!
To tell the truth, I'm sort of wincing for Bloomsbury, because I don't even want to imagine how much extra money it's going to cost to do this. At least they won't have to reprint the books, only the dust covers.
But this is awesome! I don't think we'll ever know if the cover was whitewashed due to marketing purposes or a miscommuncation to the cover artist. Such a quick response has me wanting to believe it was a mistake. Maybe it's wishful thinking...Anyhow, a company willing to admit they did wrong just scores about a gazillion brownie points for me. Not only are the admitting wrong, they're coming up with a new cover.
I'm just glad that they recognized this was a real issue, and all I have to say is, GO BLOOMSBURY :D
And I can't wait to read MAGIC UNDER GLASS; seriously, this book sounds AWESOME!
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you tell them choco
Thanks for posting this Choco. I had not been able to get over to the website.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the new cover looks like.
I'm still amazed they changed it so quickly too! Personally, it didn't bother me that much because I like to think these are miscommunication issues, but who knows? Kudos to Bloomsbury either way! :D
I'm so glad they changed it so quick, bloggers have the power (woot! Cheers to Bloomsbury and their smart decision :D
Wow thanks for the update!! That's awesome!
This might set an unhealthy precedent though, don't you think? Its one thing to change a cover before the book is in the stores, its entirely another to change the cover within the first month of release! Hopefully Bloomsbury begins to have their cover artists research a little better to avoid such controversies again. Or at least have the authors give them a cheat sheet on what the character should look like (that just seems like common sense to me tho...how hard can it be for a cover artist to read a page or less of descriptive detail?)
It is amazing what the power of the nets can do--ten years ago this wouldn't have made an impact I don't think. Now though, they have no choice but to listen.
I feel like I should go get the edition now just to have it since I really *do* like the cover. its unfortunate it didn't match the book.
Good to know that Bloomsbury is listening! Sad to know they probably didn't listen to the author in the first place, though. Publishers really need to give authors more input in that dept...it's THEIR baby. You don't let someone else dress your kid, do you?!
I honestly don't think it was a mistake -- Bloomsbury have done this before with Liar by Justine Larbalestier and they had to change that cover too. I have no idea why they thought they could get away with this AGAIN. But I'm glad they've decided to change the cover so fast :)
This is such an interesting discussion! Just goes to show the blogging community is now a force to be reckoned with!
It's so interesting to see all of these posts because everyone thinks so differently. I posted about it too, and even though I'm happy that Magic Under Glass is getting a new cover, Bloomsbury just doesn't score any points from me.
I understand readers reasons for not liking the cover, but we should really turn this into something huge like this *no offense to anyone, I respect everyone opinions*. It's not the cover what matters, but the story itself.
I'm really glad they are admitting their mistake. If Bloomsbury thought whitewashing could get them anywhere, they know better now.
I just can't help wondering how this whole issue is affecting the author. A controversy with your debut is really sad, especially when you are not the one at fault.
Wow, that kinda goes to show how much pull book bloggers have in the industry. I hope that the cover doesn't take presidence over the novel though because that would be ashame for the author.
Wow! That's pretty impressive! I'm glad they've taken what readers have to say to heart. It shows they aren't completely terrible. ;) Power to the bloggers, I guess!
Actually, they had already planned to change the cover. I posted my review of Magic Under Glass on 1/12/10 and the new cover had already been up on Goodreads for a week or two by then. Link to my post with the cover at the bottom.
I think it's great that they're changing it. This is the kind of mistake that shouldn't be happening.
It's awesome that they're changing it and I'm really excited for the cover. Bloggers rock, thank you all!
But I'm so not all go Bloomsbury. I wish they would acknowledge why what they did was wrong, the deeper issue here. Baby steps. I actually think this may help the author, because I at least am going to get the book when it has a new cover and I know a few other people are too so it may be helpful.
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