WARNING: much crazy, exclamatory fangirl squealing in the post below. Read at your own risk.
becausebecausebecause SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I got FOUR books I was DYING to read. OMG!!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!11!!!
*calms down*
*gets excited again*
*does happy dance*
This is the most excited I've ever been for books in a while *hyperventilates*
The Newest Diana Wynne Jones book:

1. Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones: *DIES AGAIN*
As you may or may not know, I'm sort of obsessed with anything DWJ writes. She's just so amazing, her books are the best thing since chocolate bars, and I love everything she writes with all my heart. She's probably my favorite author if you asked me to pick one. AND OMG I HAVE HER LATEST BOOK AND I'M READING IT RIGHT NOW NOW NOW. SQUEEEE!!!!!!!!!
*is unashamed of fangirlism*
*says in creepy Gollum voice*
Also, I'm even more excited because I got it four months before the actual US release date, which is in April, not January as it is in the UK. *huggles Book Depository* *showers Book Depository with chocolate* *huggles book* So I might have to hold off on the review for a bit :(
2. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov: So, I'm been trying to read this book for HALF A YEAR, no joke *gnashes teeth*. Every time I went to the library, it was always "DUE" "OVERDUE" or "IN PROCESSING", whatever the heck that means. And the outrage, the horror, the digrace! The local bookstore didn't even have it when I went. So finally I got fed up and bought it online. And I'm nearly done and it's so beautiful and amazing and quite possibly one of the best books I've ever read and I only have a bit left but I put it down to read Enchanted Glass and this is when FOUR EYES would come in handy so I could read two books at once. *wants four eyes*
3. Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers: *dies* OMG. Okay, so Summer's Cracked Up to Be was amazing, I loved it and reviewed it but mostly loved it and reread it. I've been waiting very impatiently for this to arrive and I got it this morning and read it...and OMG. *dies* Amazing :) Review coming soon!
4. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie: Love the title, love the book blurb. And this is another one of those I've been meaning to read for months. I've been recommended it a couple million times and I'd always been meaning to get it but finally I bought it real cheap at a bookstore! Whooo! Can't wait to read it to see if it lives up to the hype (which I'm pretty sure it will).
-end of fangirlism-
Wait...just one more time...
I got Enchanted Glass this week too (for review), as it's out here start of next month. Fantastic book, and I hope you enjoy it!
Lol, this was probably the funnest IMM I've read ever. Happy reading!!!
book envy.
Some Girls Are looks fantastic, cannot wait to read your review!
Check out my mailbox this week: http://goodgollymisshollybooks.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-my-mailbox-11.html
I am so excited to read Some Girls Are! I got it last week, but once I finished the book I had already been reading I had to read a book for a tour. Then another. And now I'm on another. And after this I have one more. But after THAT I am totally going to read it!
very flail worthy books! I can understand your excitement lol
I won some girls are in a contest, but it might have gotten lost in the mail =( hopefully it will miraculously turn up sometime...
I would love to hear your thoughts on it =)
AHHHH new Diana Wynne Jones book! Tell me about its amazingness, but no spoilers *dies* THIS IS SO EXCITING :D
I am super jealous of your DWJ book. Want to send it my way when you're finished? :P *sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait and go read something else in the mean time. But WOO! for new books! :)
Funniest IMM ever! I love your enthusiasm. I really need to read me some Courtney Summers, especially if she's *that* good. Enjoy all these!
Yaaay, super happy for you! Lovely shiny books, I hope you enjoy them! :D
Wow! I think you just got the book-equivalent of the winning lotto ticket. Good for you. Hope you enjoy Enchanted Glass.
Awesome books you got this week. It's awesome that you're super excited about it. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.
Whoa! Lucky you! I didn't even realize that Diana Wynne Jones had a new book out. I LOVE her! I totally have to read Enchanted Glass! Awesome!
*grins* Fangirlism is THE BEST. Sooooooo excited for you about the new DWJ book, I loooooooove DWJ!! (Howl's series is my FAVOURITE, hands dooooown.) And Lolita! One of those interesting yet disturbing reads, but I think you'll enjoy it. =D AND OMG ABSOLUTE TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN, YOU GOT IT!!! I HOPE YOU LIKE ITTTTTTT!!! HAVE FUN READING!! =D
*LOL* Love the creepy Gollum impersonation -- that's exactly how I am about books. ;-)
You have a terrific selection of books there. I have heard that The Completely True Diary... is outstanding. I have also read great reviews of Some Girls Are. I have been thinking about reading Lolita for quite a while, but I have yet to summon up the courage. I expect it will be dark. :-)
Happy reading!
Great books.. Some Girls Are is on my Wish List..
awesome book! I really want 2 read some girls are!
happy reading!
Dont you just LOVE weeks like that! Awesome enjoy your books!
LOL! That's fantastic that you got such great books you really wanted! Happy reading!
Ooh... lucky! I'm a DWJ fan, too, and I can't wait to read this one!
I've got an award for you on my site!
Haha I love how excited you are! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
Haha, I love how excited you are. I know exactly how it feels to be so thrilled to receive a certain book. Some Girls Are is brilliant right? I can't get over how awesome it was. Also, I've been dying to read Lolita for the longest time. Can't wait to read your thoughts on that one. :D
This is the best IMM I have ever read
Great books! Lolita and Some Girls Are look awesome. I love how excited you seem!
Here's what I got this week: http://bookielaura.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-my-mailbox-1-17-10.html
Have a great week!
I think some fangirlism is required with a mailbox like that! Congrats and enjoy!
Haha, wow IMMs are never this funny!
Grr, libraries are so frustrating sometimes! Glad you finally got a hold of the book though :)
Little late in commenting but I have to squeel with you because I didn't even know Diane Wynne Jones even HAD a book coming out this year! You've just added another book on my book list to read. I don't know whether to thank you or glare at you cause the list is already quite long. Ah well, it's definitely something to look forward too though. Happy reading!
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