More library books. But I have already started accumulating fines so this most likely will be the end of my library plundering for some time:

Bought: used copy of Wuthering Heights

1. Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard: This seems like a cute, fun book and I really like Pride and Prejudice! I think I'll enjoy this one--always been a fan of time travel :)
2. Impossible by Nancy Werlin: The cover is so beautiful that I couldn't resist. Another retelling, this one of Scarborough Fair.
3. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I LOVED Jane Eyre--one of my all-time classic favorites--which is by her sister. I had a copy of Wuthering Heights but never got around to reading it--the typeface is better suited for munchkins than my much-abused eyes. So I bought this normally-sized font one for next to nothing, in the hopes that I'll finally read it.
Great books! I just bought myself a copy of Wuthering Heights recently and I'm very excited to read it.
Impossible seems like a good book. I'm definitely adding it to my wish list.
Here's my In My Mailbox for this week: In My Mailbox
I really want to read Prada and Prejudice! I have Wuthering Heights but haven't read it yet. That's a beautiful cover!
Prada and Prejudice looks good! Look forward to your review!
You're right: the cover of Impossible is GORGEOUS. I wantz now. :D Oh, I LOVE Jane Eyre! Mr. Rochester's up there with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Thornton! <3
I love Wuthering Heights! I read it at least once every year. I finally read Jane Eyre this year and it wasn't what I expected. It was really dark and sad, but I loved it.
oh, I've heard of the Scarborough Fair one before! and I agree the cover is rather pretty, flowy hair is a weakness of mine XD;
Ooh, I'd love to read P&P too! Looking forward to your review! Happy reading! :)
I read Wuthering Heights over the Summer. Not my favourite classic but compelling darkness none the less.
Read it read it read it (Wuthering Heights). It's so good and the characters are so evil and it's so the antithesis of a love story. And yeah. Basically everyone I know thinks it "has merit" even if they didn't like it, lol.
They sound great. Love wuthering heihgts. Have fun reading it. :)
I have P&P on my to read list!
I tried to read Wuthering Heights after I read Jane Eyre but I couldn't get into it at the time. Maybe I should give it another chance?
I've been wanting to read Prada and Prejudice for such a long time. I'm sad that I cannot find it from the local library, they have so small collection of books written in English.
Enjoy Wuthering Heights, it is such a great book even though I enjoyed Jane Eyre a bit more. :)
I've read Prada and Prejudice. It is a very cute, sweet, funny book. You're going to love it. I guarantee it.
And Wuthering Heights. Wow. I loved Jane Eyre but when I read Wuthering Heights, honestly, I don't know which one is my favorite. I can't decide, but Wuthering Heights is certainly a work of art, very gripping!
Happy reading!
WUTHERING HEIGHTS IS THE BEST. Though, it's quite a different creature from Jane Eyre (which I didn't like. =/) so I dunno how you'd take it... I guess, just a fair warning: it's uber dark and creepy and everyone is awful. I mean, that's what I liked about this novel but I understand that there are readers who find this aspect off-putting.
I LOVE Wuthering Heights. My current copy is destroyed in highlighter. I hope you enjoy it too!
Ohh, nice. I already borrowed Prada and Prejudice, which I didn't like quite as much, and Impossible, which I thought was good. Hm, Wuthering Heights... I tried to read that one during my Jane Austen streak, but somehow couldn't get myself into it. I'll have to try again sometime!
Happy reading! :)
I really want to read Wuthering Heights, it sounds really intriging. I need to check if my library has such awesome books!!! Happy Reading!!!
Prada and Prejudice is a very cute read! Enjoy :)
I have 2 read prada and Prejudice it looks really cute! Happy reading!
Hope you enjoy Impossible. It was surprisingly wonderful. That painting of that girl on the cover of Wuthering Heights is on a LOT of other book covers. She seems to be very popular. I'm pretty sure I have that same edition of WH too. Happy reading!
I enjoyed Prada and Prejudice - Impossible is on my wish list - maybe next month:) Hope you enjoy them:)
I read Wuthering Heights, it was okay but I found it hard to follow. Enjoy!!
Great picks! Wuthering Heights is excellent. Impossible is on my bedside table, and I'm looking forward to reading it.
Prada and Prejudice looks cute! Enjoy :)
I hope you enjoy the books from your last library trip (for a while). ;)
I liked Impossible, Wuthering Heights is qood gothic fiction and very quotable:
"I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas: they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind." (Just 1 of my favorites from that book.)
I haven't read Prada and Prejudice, but it looks like a good one. :)
I really enjoyed Prada & Prejudice. Hope you like it.
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