So, I finally cleared my fines at the library today. Doing so practically wiped out my savings, but I luuuuuuuurve my library. I even *gasp* composed a poem while I was browsing the library:
Oh, library! How I love thee.
Your books are free,
a gorgeous sight to see.
How long you've been separated from me!
WAIT, COME BACK! You poor followers, what I put you through more ghastly poetry, I promise :p
Anways, I checked out 33 books. Very shiny books. Way too many for an IMM post, so I'll pick the top five I'm looking forward to reading.
"Hot picks"/ New releases--Actually, I was really surprised that my library had any new releases, since my library is pretty sucky normally. I take that back though. My library is now lovely, since they had these books:

The books I've been meaning to read FOREVER:

1. Sleepless : Such an striking cover! And the premise of students "killing in their sleep" gives me shivers.
2. Give Up the Ghost: I've been seeing this in the bookstore and pining over it. I've been wanting a good ghost novel for a while, and I'm hoping this will be it.
3. Prophecy of the Sisters: Love this cover so much, and the "dark prophecy"sounds so intriguing!
4. Paper Towns: I loved Looking for Alaska, and I've heard that Paper Towns is even better. So I can't wait to crack open this one!
5. The Forest of Hands and Teeth: Dystopian and absolutely fantastic, if the reviews all over the YA blogosphere are anything to go by. I want to read this so badly that I was actually going to order it off Amazon this week, but the library has saved me the trouble (and the money!). Paying my fines is sort of balancing out.
I am officially a library book glutton now. Time to go gorge myself on my book feast :)
I have been curious about The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I mean the name is so wierd..LOL
OHHH you got lots of fun one's - WOW 33 - that's amazing, how long will it take you to read that many! :) (BTW I like your poem!)
Forest of Hands and Teeth - very different, I liked it, not loved it but liked it and I cant wait for the next one - so that's good right? I hope you enjoy it and I cant wait to see what you think of Sleepless and Give up the Ghost - been eyeing those two!
You got really cool books and library. My library doesn't have any YA, so I have to buy my own. Anyhow, happy reading those awesome books!
You got some great ones!! Forest of Hands and Teeth and Prophecy of the Sisters are supposed to be great!! That's awesome that you got 33!
Hooray for Forest of Hands and Teeth! And yay for Prophecy of the Sisters too!
The Forest of Hands and Teeth was really good, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's also good to hear that I'm not the only person out there who checks out library books with reckless abandon. Great IMM post and I look forward to reading the rest of your blog!
I am jealous - you have several that I want to read! :) Give Up The Ghost, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Prophesy of The Sisters....:)
Have fun reading!
I love Give Up the Ghost!
And wow, the Sleepless cover is seriously gorgeous. =D
Oh wow - 33 - that is quite a lot in one go! That's awesome that you can use the library again now though. Happy reading!
great books! Prophecy of the Sisters and Forest of Hands and Teeth are both awesome books. Hope you enjoy them. Give up the Ghost was a cute read too. I've been debating on buying Paper Towns. Enjoy and Happy Reading!
Lots of good books! I hope you enjoy them all!!!
I have to get Prophecy of Sisters, I've been meaning to get it for a long time.
Sleepless sounds and looks super scary, I mean, BLOOD under a sleeping mask! Could it get scarier?
Ooh... Nice choices. I really want to read Prophecy of the Sisters. I hope you enjoy your books.
lucky! we don't have libraries in our country that you could borrow books out from!
enjoy your reading!
Whoa, that's a lot of books! Hope you have fun reading them :)
Ooh, and you're so lucky you got Paper Towns! In my library, it's not available. So sad. :'( I wanna read it sooooo badly.
I REALLY need to get Paper Towns. Enjoy!
Sleepless definitely caught my eyes more than any of the other books, definitely something I would look into =)
Give Up the Ghost's cover looks rather horrible =X but I've read some pretty good reviews for it
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