So, as a continuation of the plundering of the library...

1. Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia: AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING premise. China (and all of Asia) is just so rich with legends and beautiful history, and I really think there needs to be more YA books that tap into that. My mom is even more excited to read this then me*. And I hope this will help me with connecting with my Chinese heritage through reading. Sort of. Hopefully. The point is, I really would like to read more books with an Asian main character or Asian legends.
2. Beastly: modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and if I'm correct, I believe there is a movie in the works. I absolutely LOVE Beauty and the Beast, so looking forward to reading this one.
3. Need: There is something about this cover--the gold lips, perhaps?--that bade me to pick it up. I knowknowknow that I probably shouldn't be reading paranormal romances after my recent spaz attack from reading what I shall not-so-politely refer to as Twilight vomit**, but Need has MAINE AS A SETTING! If at any point there are descriptions of fall leaves, this will well be worth reading. And hopefully, this will be the best paranormal romance I've read.
4. Betraying Season: The sequel to a book I adored, Bewitching Season***. So I am beyond excited to get started on this one. Just love the time period of Regency England so much :)
5. The Lost Conspiracy: I loved Fly by Night, another book by Frances Hardinge, more than I can describe****. When I saw this I almost had a heart attack*****, since I hadn't known that there was a new book coming out by her.
*I suspect she's secreted it away from me because I can't find it at the moment. And no, this is NOT an excuse for my disorganized state of being
*** which I won a signed copy of!!!!
**** (*hint* upcomingFridayFavorite *hint*)
***** in a good-ish way, if that is even possible.
What's in your mailbox this week?
You got some great books. I want to read Need myself.
Here is what I got:
Beastly is a really interesting read. :) Enjoy all of your books!
Need looks promising, and so does Betraying Season (the cover of Betraying Season is so pretty! I love her hair :D)
Have fun reading, can't wait to read your new reviews :)
Silver Phoenix, Need, and Beastly all rock! The last two look awesome as well! I hope you enjoy all of them! :)
I love Silver Phoenix!! Sure, the characters are a bit on the bland side but the setting and the mythology more than makes up for it. I hope you enjoy it! Also, um, I've read quite a few novels with Asian protagonists (Most of the titles I remember are MG, due to my rather actively seeking them out self when I was a kid) so if you want, I could make and send you a rec list? =D
Beastly sounds fun. *makes mental note to keep title in mind* =D
I seriously wasn't fond of Need, but I'm not much of a fan of YA paranormal romance, and I've seen very positive reactions to Need so I guess don't take my word for it? ^^;;
lol I stared at the cover of Lost Conspiracy and was like 'how come I haven't heard of this title?' and then I realized that over here they call it 'Gullstruck Island' instead. HOMG I LOVE THIS BOOK. *spaz* I actually like Gullstruck Island MORE than Fly by Night, which is really saying something since I thought Fly by Night was pure genius. I hope you like it!! Also, I'm really looking forward to your friday favourite on Fly by Night? ARE YOU HYPED ABOUT THE UPCOMING FLY BY NIGHT SEQUEL!?!? I CAN'T WAAAAAAAAIT~~
P.S. um, if you want, I talked about Gullstruck Island/Lost Conspiracy a long while ago on my livejournal account. It's here if you want to take a look, by any chance. =D
So many interesting books! I've been wanting to read Silver Phoenix and Beastly myself. I hope you enjoy them, looking forward to the reviews :)
I agree with you on the Asian characters thing, it's really rare these days. I have a tag at goodreads with books of Asian themes if you're interested =)
Haven't read all of them, but I'm planning to =3=
There are also some lists on goodreads with Asian characters/themes
I've just committed to write my own XD the research is very helpful in learning historical cultural values and stuff =3
Need & Beastly!! love those books!!! Can't wait 2 c the movie Beastly!! Happy reading!!!
Great books you got this week. Need is a good book. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.
Your library is clearly way better than mine! I'm desperate to read Silver Phoenix and Need - hope you enjoy them!
Please like and review Silver Phoenix!! I've only read one review of it, and that person didn't like it! :-( I really want to read it, so I need to read a positive review! :-) Congrats on your fun books!
=D I gave you a blog award, you can see it here
I loved Beastly! I hope you enjoy it, too. :)
I haven't read any of the other books you have listed, but they sounds great. I look forward to your reviews.
Beastly was amazing! I loved it so much! Moreover, the guy playing the MC in the movie is my fave English actor. I <3 him! AHH!! lol
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
@Ah Yuan: THANKS FOR THE AWARD! And omgoshhhh I am super hyped about Fly By Nights sequel :)
@Kirthi: She doesssss have really nice hair, lol.
@Karla + Jessica + Michelle +Faye: Beastly is gooood so far :)
@ brizmus + Lauren +Joana + Lea: I'm pretty excited to write the review for Silver Phoenix! And of all these books too, haha.
@Rebeca + ladystorm: Ooh, Need. I just won a copy of it too so maybe it's destined to be :)
@ninefly: Ooh, nice. I will go check it out!
I LOVED Beastly and can't wait to read Silver Phoenix.
@ Choco,
I'm so glad you're enjoying Beastly! (Though, you're probably done with it by now.) I really wish they'd release a full trailer for the movie. The 'beast' really doesn't look like I expected.
Need was pretty good. Beastly looks good
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