Won from Contest (at Princess Bookie):
For Review:


1.Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle: OMG *fangirl squeals* SHE SIGNED THE BOOK! A real, living author has signed a book that I own! And there was bookmark and a door hanger as well. And she actually had to write my full name on a envelope before she sent it! I was literally jumping up and down when I saw that she'd signed it. I mean, this is HUGE. I am so excited! I've already read this book when it first came out, and I really enjoyed it. So I'm over the moon right now :)
2. The Squire's Quest by Gerald Morris: *more fangirl squealing* I LOVE HIS BOOKS. LOVE THEM! They are really hard to get a hold of around here, but I've managed to get my hands on most so far. I'm so excited to read this latest book of his that just came out--he's one of my favorite authors for sure.
3. Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers: I'd been hearing so much good stuff about this book (*cough* Emilia + Jessica + Kody *cough* :DDDD) and then I read the first chapter on Amazon. And I was hooked, the I-need-to-get-my-hands-on-this-book-or-I-might-just-die-of-anticipation-kind. So yesterday, I bought it. And read it. AMAZING. More on this later, prolly.
So, in summation:
The is a weekly meme hosted by Story Siren.
Someone recommended Cracked Up to Be to me a long time ago and I still haven't read it! Looking forward to your review!
Cracked Up To Be does sound good. And, *how* cool is it when you win stuff?! Have a great week reading. :)
Great books you got this week. They all look really good. Hope you enjoy reading them all.
congrats on the signed book! I can literally feel your excitement. The squire's tale sounds great.
Cracked up to Be is amazing. Hopefully you'll love it as much as I do!
Great mailbox. You have some great stories ahead of you!
Elie (Ellz Readz)
I just started following you. Come check out my blog..
Happy Reading!
I really want to read Cracked Up to Be! Great week!! Happy reading! :)
I'm glad you liked Cracked Up to Be. I thought it was pretty amazing too! :)
I look forward to your review.
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