But it took me up until now to say:

Thanks for following, for stopping by, for indulging me in my craziness from time to time. I really am so happy that I started this blog and that it didn't die on the way, and that somehow people out in the world are reading it--something that still boggles my mind.
I've come a far way since August 2009. Hopefully, my blogging writing has improved. I know my reading tastes have changed. Lots of things have changed. But mostly, it's been really cool documenting my reading journey on this blog--and coolest of all having readers like you.
A lot happens in a year--blog-wise, but mostly I remember meeting so many awesome bloggers, and reading their posts and thoughts and sort of marveling at what a great community this is.
So again, thanks. Thanks for making my first year blogging a really great one.