Sometimes I just want to curl up with a good book for a whole day and let my brain turn to goo as I immerse myself in a story.
I think it's the hecticness of everyday life that allows for purely escapist books--books designed only to entertain and to let the reader just be transported to an entirely different world for a while. I mean, it's not everyday that someone can go and read War & Peace--it takes a particular frame of mind to read a classic.
On the other hand--there are those beloved, dogeared books that I can sink into at any time, and at any moment, and I'm guaranteed to enjoy myself.
Somehow, I always turn to middle grade fantasy--it's so light and carefree and there's always hope in between the pages--a happy ending--and there's just this whimsical take on life that I adore.
My ultimate comfort book is Charmed Life; my comfort author--Diana Wynne Jones. I can't tell you how many times I've read her books and just let everything sink away--it's a good distraction from worrying about homework due the next day and friends and everything in between.
Her books are like chocolate--they make you feel better and they're delicious and you're always yearning for them, even when you don't know you're yearning.
As a matter of fact, comfort books = chocolate literature.
What types are books are your comfort reads? Any particular book/author? (Not gonna lie, I need some more comfort books to dive into.)
comfort books
in which a girl reads
Choco wants
Choco wants to be exiled to Hex Hall
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Choco would eat giant inedible vegetables to get her hands on this book
DWJ fangirlism
DWJ is the best
Daily Dose
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I really don't want to do my homework
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Proof of my uncoolness
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why are your reading these labels and not poetry hmm
why yes I do write isn't it frightening
you tell them choco