But I can't, so I'll wallpaper this blog with them. Next best thing!

I love the color of the sky, and for some reason (as you may have noticed in Captivating Thursdays--which I'm not *officially* compiling this particular week, but I suppose this counts because the covers are so prettiful) I love photos where the person's back/side is to the viewer. When the positioning is like that, it could be almost anyone who's walking down that street. Also I heart the fonts so much.

I really didn't like Fallen. However, there is no denying that the covers for this series are absolutely gorgeous. I think I actually like the Torment's cover better--the soft gray and the spindly trees--but that may just be because I've seen Fallen's cover too many times.
She has two beautiful covers for one book. By the way, the Sky is Everywhere is fantastic so get thee to a bookstore if you haven't read it.

The asymmetrical, patchy heart and the different size lowercase letters are so very arresting and lovely.
Paperback (or maybe this is the UK cover?):

I saved my favorite for last. I can NOT believe how gorgeous this is, I really can't. I'm struck by the trees* (?) which have me going "ahhh"; the way the girl is running so gracefully into the hint of the sky; the large bed of dark green grass; the contrast of her hair against the green. It just comes together so beautifully. Also, the angles of the tree (?) lines are gorgeous, it really draws my eye in. I'm in love with this cover.

Since 2010 is halfway over (whoa, how'd that happen?) I thought I'd put a short list of books that I'm dying to read and that I want NAO. Like, I'd do unspeakable things to get my hands on them.
Upcoming in 2010:
1. You by Charles Benoit
2. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (this was pretty much a given, haha)
3. Her and Me and You by Lauren Strasnick
4. The Duff by Kody Keplinger
1. Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta
You Australian peeps who've already got to read it are lucky. I really need to do some wrangling by way of The Book Depository** and get it anyways.
2. BRIDGE OF CLAY by Markus Zusak
WHERE ART THOU?! The release day got pushed back multiple times. It should have been in late 2009, then late 2010, and now it's early 2011. *grumbles* I would seriously give up chocolate for an extended period of time*** if I could just read it now. Tehe.
*Are those really trees? They seem too skinny trunk-wise, but that's my best guess.
**I love that site.
***I am completely serious. For realz. Chocolate deprivation is worth it for Zusak's newest work of genius.