(The old cover is on the left and the new cover is on the right)

I <3 the new cover. It's just so, so much more fitting for the character. And it's a lot more beautiful too--the design and the lighting are gorgeous. The font on the old cover really irked me for some reason, but I love the font on this one :) Definitely a huge improvement, and I'm looking forward to buying this one with the revised cover!
I love the new cover. When I read the book I pictured Nimira as looking more Indian. It is a beautiful cover to go with a beautiful story.
whoa, I picked a great day to post a picture of the book I just won - with the old cover, on my blog! I agree, new cover is great and can't wait to read it.
I do like the new cover, I've always wanted to read it... The new one seems more like a Bloomsbury type cover, and at least they got the skin color right!
Though I'm never partial to photographic covers ever...I love it! <3
The cover model is gorgeous!
Haha, this is certainly newsworthy :P I like the British cover best (there aren't any "real people" on it - haha) but this new one looks much better - the original one looked cheap.
I don't really know what to think of Bloomsbury or their motives, except that I really think they were only after $$$ and not some agenda. I'm glad they changed it, though - I just find it annoying when publishers (or HOLLYWOOD) ignore how the author wrote a character to look... :P
Looks good! I just won this book from a blog giveaway with the original cover - it was signed, and the author had drawn her own version of the cover on the inside of the jacket so it could be turned inside out. clever! and she's a good artist!
Yes, I LOVE the new cover! Gorgeous! And I agree with you that the new title font is a lot more professional looking. And I also like this a lot more than the revamped Liar cover, too. Why couldn't Bloomsbury have made this the cover in the first place?
Wow. I <3 this cover!
And the girl on the cover is gorg XD
I love it! The girly looks Indian but its a definite improvement.
I'm suck a minority here. I haven't read the book yet (though I want to) so I can't really say which one fits best, but I'm all for the more fantastical-looking covers, and the old one looks more my type of thing (though it was wrong for them to whitewash it).
The old one makes me think that it's set in a more olden-day setting. The new one makes it seem more our-time. I don't know which one it is now.
Then there's something about it having the title "Magic Under Glass" and in the new cover, there's nothing to give away that there's any magic, or glass, at all.
That's a great new cover. I'm looking forward to reading this book.
I'm so glad Bloomsbury decided to redo the cover. It is much MUCH better.
I love the new cover, and I just wish they'd made it that way in the first place. (And totally agree with you about the old font - eww.)
I like this new cover, too. I think the color scheme is lots better in general. I want to read this!
I like the new one much better. It's gorgeous! :-)
HUGE improvement
I haven't read it, but I plan to...and in a bookstore I would more likely buy the old cover rather than the new, but when I read it I assume I'll understand...The ellipsis is there because I love them.
i havent read it but i think i love both =0
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