Hi everyone (if anyone is still here),
How are all of you? It seems a bit strange since I haven't posted here in such a long time --years-- so I don't know if I fit in this blog anymore-- it seems a little strange, foreign. I read a page or two of my past-postings, and it feels even stranger thinking I wrote those words because I don't remember them at all.
Some of this blog I've outgrown, certainly; my opinions on books and media (or life in general) are pretty changeable, and things I once thought great seem pretty lackluster or flawed now; or things I didn't as much appreciate I appreciate more now. I think I was 15/16 for most of the time I was posting here; I'm 19 now. So I guess I've changed in some respects. The last two years, since I've started college, haven't been so great in regards to reading, or thinking of books, or writing -- words and stories (except in TV form) have pretty much fallen by the wayside, so much so that usually I'll not finish a single book the whole semester.
Right now, I'm about a 1/3 of the way done with my summer break, and I'm finally getting down to some reading, although my concentration is awful, and it's difficult for me to finish a book now (I toss so many away after only being 1/2 or 1/3 done).
But it occurred to me that it was nice that I used to write down my feelings regarding books; even if I don't agree with these perceptions now, I'm still happy that there is even a record of them. My memory is terrible; if I didn't write things down, I would have no idea what I used to think before and what I think now. So I need to write; and writing is a type of thinking, and the way I best think.
So I have a small little hope to return to book blogging. I don't know how often I'll post: maybe once a week, maybe once a month. But if I ever read a book, and want to note down some particular feelings or revelations I had, I'll try my best to put them here, since it is already well-organized and easily found.
This blog will be pretty personal in my reviews, and they might not help you at all in deciding what to read; I won't be posting memes or doing any of the "traditional" book blogging things I used to do, and won't be sticking to just YA. This is simply going to be a place for my thoughts to have a small little home--I don't care if there are mistakes, or you don't like it (feel free to unfollow, or to scroll past). A glance at the followers button makes me a little scared of posting my thoughts here (so many people! so many strangers!)--but I'll tell myself not many people would read them actually--if it gets too scary, I'll make a new blog and post the link here.
Actually, I might do that--I'd like to start afresh, in some way--for now, I'll post here, and let everyone know if I move.
Nice to talk to y'all again! How has life and reading been?
perhaps a rash post, but
in which a girl reads
Choco wants
Choco wants to be exiled to Hex Hall
Choco will kill for this book
Choco would eat giant inedible vegetables to get her hands on this book
DWJ fangirlism
DWJ is the best
Daily Dose
Discussion Post
Endless suffering
Friday Favorites
I love you guys
I really don't want to do my homework
I want cookies
In My Mailbox
It took me a while to figure this out lol
Literature Week
Proof of my uncoolness
Random shiz
Shameless squealing
Sparkly vampires can do this and so can you
The Joy of Reading
Waiting on Wednesday
Wouldn't it be sad if they called tweeters twits?
author interviews
book reviews
captivating thursday
chocolate conquerors
cover talk
design stuff
further proof of my insanity
hypothetical bookish situations
literature review
new favorites
oh dear I haven't written my English essay yet and it's midnight
teen writer interviews
what eez twitter?
why are your reading these labels and not poetry hmm
why yes I do write isn't it frightening
you tell them choco