I write this because there is an air of unfinished business emanating from this blog. I can feel it at its peak when on the internet, a sense of expectation waiting in the folds of the blogosphere. I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but haven't. Putting things off is my forte.
For anyone who's followed in which a girl reads from the very beginning, or at least a time where I was actually blogging regularly, it's pretty obvious that my blog currently lacks luster. New posts are rare. My comments and reading of other blogs is almost nonexistent. I'm just--to put in plainly--not here anymore.
I've expressed a certain sadness at this withdrawal from the blogosphere before, and at this realization, also expressed a desire to revitalize a blog quickly disintegrating. I tried--and I think we can conclude, as of now, I've failed. Miserably.
I could blog if I wanted to. But that want just isn't there any more.
The thing is, I'm different from the starry-eyed fifteen year old that accidentally began blogging almost two years ago. I read different books. I think different thoughts. I have different priorities.
This is reflected in my blog. I don't know what to post anymore; I'm deeply unsatisfied with my reviews of late, and feel that they've lost a lot of their meaning. I think my impressions when reading have lost a lot of their weight with the general reading audience. And I rarely read YA anymore. What books I do read, I read differently; slowlyslowlyslowly, ponderously, with a different purpose.
Last year, I went on a month-long hiatus to study for AP tests. As I look into my future months, I see the best thing to do is to go on hiatus at the present time.
In April I have:
1) AP death studying
2) the biggest decision of my life yet: I have to decide (oh no, oh no) where I'll attend college, and this decision is literally occupying my mind day and night.
In May I have
1) AP testing
2) Finals
3) Graduation.
This isn't too much, but throughout summer I'll have limited internet access. In fall, I'll be starting college. Throughout this all I have scholarships to do, family and friends to spend time with, a book to write, new worlds to explore.
I've concluded I'd like to spend my time in the next three months (at least) in venues other than blogging. And really, I think dragging things out--pretending unfairly to myself and to readers that I can dedicate myself to blogging at this present time--isn't the right thing to do.
I don't want to call this a goodbye post--it's definitely not that--but a hiatus post. I will be taking a break from blogging, at least for a few months. I hope to come back one day.
If you'd still like to contact me in the next few months, please email me at inwhichagirlreads@gmail.com
I'd love to hear from you. Any of you: lovely commenters, lurkers, people that would like to chat about books or chocolate or want college advice or anything. Hopefully I won't be as awful at corresponding as I usually am.
And lastly, thank you for reading in which a girl reads, and for making my blogging experience thus far so much more wonderful.
Choco wants
Choco wants to be exiled to Hex Hall
Choco will kill for this book
Choco would eat giant inedible vegetables to get her hands on this book
DWJ fangirlism
DWJ is the best
Daily Dose
Discussion Post
Endless suffering
Friday Favorites
I love you guys
I really don't want to do my homework
I want cookies
In My Mailbox
It took me a while to figure this out lol
Literature Week
Proof of my uncoolness
Random shiz
Shameless squealing
Sparkly vampires can do this and so can you
The Joy of Reading
Waiting on Wednesday
Wouldn't it be sad if they called tweeters twits?
author interviews
book reviews
captivating thursday
chocolate conquerors
cover talk
design stuff
further proof of my insanity
hypothetical bookish situations
literature review
new favorites
oh dear I haven't written my English essay yet and it's midnight
teen writer interviews
what eez twitter?
why are your reading these labels and not poetry hmm
why yes I do write isn't it frightening
you tell them choco