- You have significantly more friends on Goodreads than you do on Facebook.
- Your preferred medium of communication is the written word.
- You unashamedly stalk your favorite authors online.
- The acronym ARC makes you salivate
- Your TBR list is several miles high
- 5-star ratings become applicable to everything in life, not just books
- You have an uncontrollable urge to buy everything you see in a bookstore
- Packages on your doorstep mean one thing only to you: books
- You're in desperate need of more bookshelves
- You spend more hours online than is healthy
- Getting comments on your posts make your day
- HTML is both your best friend and your nebulous, confusing enemy
- When people ask you for book recommendations, you can't just stop at one.
- You know about books coming out years ahead of time, and consequently have to endure a rather agonizing wait.
- New gadgets on blogger are the best thing since sliced bread
- You can't stop tinkering with your template
- You can hold an intelligent debate on the merits of a 2-column versus 3-column template for a book blog.
- You've perfected the art of reading while eating/walking/talking for years.
- You're pretty darn awesome.
You Know You're a Book Blogger When...
You Know You're a Book Blogger When...
in which a girl reads
Choco wants
Choco wants to be exiled to Hex Hall
Choco will kill for this book
Choco would eat giant inedible vegetables to get her hands on this book
DWJ fangirlism
DWJ is the best
Daily Dose
Discussion Post
Endless suffering
Friday Favorites
I love you guys
I really don't want to do my homework
I want cookies
In My Mailbox
It took me a while to figure this out lol
Literature Week
Proof of my uncoolness
Random shiz
Shameless squealing
Sparkly vampires can do this and so can you
The Joy of Reading
Waiting on Wednesday
Wouldn't it be sad if they called tweeters twits?
author interviews
book reviews
captivating thursday
chocolate conquerors
cover talk
design stuff
further proof of my insanity
hypothetical bookish situations
literature review
new favorites
oh dear I haven't written my English essay yet and it's midnight
teen writer interviews
what eez twitter?
why are your reading these labels and not poetry hmm
why yes I do write isn't it frightening
you tell them choco