It is late and I am already half asleep and time has run away as it so often does these days. But I need to write this Waiting on Wednesday post.
You see, I'd planned it to be about a certain book.
A book called BRIDGE OF CLAY.
As of now, there's only a snippet of a blurb:
It's about a boy.
His name is Clay.
He's building a bridge.
And he wants that bridge to be something truly great and miraculous.
And there isn't a cover yet. It's coming out (supposedly) in half a year. February 3rd, 2011. I'm marking that day on my calendar. It's got a big heart around it. I know my reading mind will be blown on that day--
because--ladies and gentlemen--
that's when the latest Markus Zusak book comes out.
Most of you know him from authoring the famous, the wonderful, the amazing, THE BOOK THIEF. Maybe you've read I AM THE MESSENGER too. Maybe you're a crazy fangirl/ fanboy too. I've probably squealed with you together about Zusak before--he seems to come up so often and whenever he does I have to join in and say my part--
that his words are so beautiful. That they changed my life. That I like to pick up his books in misplaced minutes of the day and spend a few breaths fingering the smooth pages. Reading them over again.
Zusak is one of the reasons--one of the authors--that are the reason I love to read.
And his new book?
That I've been so eagerly awaiting? Even when they changed the release date from September 2009 to 2010 and now to February 2011?
The book that I've been burrowing my nosy nose into the interwebs to find details about? (I found relatively little: that Zusak has been wanting to write this book for something like ten years. That he wants it to be better than The Book Thief. That he spends a painstaking amount of time making sure his drafts are as perfect as can be.)
I don't know anything about it. I have a title and a small blurb, but there's something to be said when you know nothing about a book, but already know you'll love it just because of who's writing it.
I'm excited and hoping and wishing that I had BRIDGE OF CLAY in my hands right now. 2011 can't come fast enough.
a (late) waiting on wednesday fangirl fest
in which a girl reads
Waiting on Wednesday|
Choco wants
Choco wants to be exiled to Hex Hall
Choco will kill for this book
Choco would eat giant inedible vegetables to get her hands on this book
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Discussion Post
Endless suffering
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I love you guys
I really don't want to do my homework
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In My Mailbox
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Proof of my uncoolness
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Shameless squealing
Sparkly vampires can do this and so can you
The Joy of Reading
Waiting on Wednesday
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why are your reading these labels and not poetry hmm
why yes I do write isn't it frightening
you tell them choco